Do you like to imagine a woman is pregnant, that she is, as they used to say, “with child”? Do you like to imagine that her breasts are full of milk? This fetish reminds me of the old Jayne Mansfield movie, “The Girl Can’t Help It,” and how she held milk bottles right in front of her breasts! I know guys who are into lactation phone sex know that holding those milk bottle represented the fact that those beautiful breasts of Jayne Mansfield could fill up with milk, could become engaged with milk. Of course, so could the breasts of any pregnant woman — including Trixi! I know guys love the idea of sucking my nipples and sucking out that sweet tasting mother’s milk with which my beasts can be full of. I’ve tasted the mother’s milk myself and it has a really sexy and really sweet taste to it.
Guys, don’t you want to imagine that you are Trixi’s baby and you are sucking out milk from my nipples and swallowing that milk? You love the way women’s bodies work, don’t you? I bet the guys who like lactation phone sex just adore the whole process of how the female body works. I know they like the idea of a woman’s body being will a baby, with a whole fresh universe inside her. Honestly, guys, what can be more creative than motherhood? Nothing, that’s what! And you get in on it when you snuggle close to a pregnant, when you feel the body that has all that richness inside of it. I like the idea of feeding a man, feeding a woman, feeding that adult just like I would feed my own newborn baby. Lactation phone sex is about nurturing and nourishing and how sweet the milk that comes out of a women’s pregnant body can be.
Call Trixi for lacation phone sex at 1 888 402 8669