ABDL Phone Sex with Cassie

I know we’ve talked about how I want to have a baby, right? All of those raging maternal hormones and this biological time clock ticking because I just turned 31. What we haven’t talked about though, is where these urges started. I love playing with adult babies! Don’t deny me my pleasures, and yours too, I guess. Call me for some ABDL phone sex so we can both enjoy! Will you be a good adult baby for your redheaded mommy or a bad one? The choice is yours during our ABDL phone sex call! If you’re good, I’ll stroke your hair, rub your body down with nice lavender-scented baby lotion, and tickle you while I change your diaper. If you’re extra good, we may even take a bubble-filled bath together. Once you’re all cleaned and dressed in the cutest little outfit, I’ll snuggle you close to my chest and let you use my big tits as a snack and or pillow. You can suckle and nibble, tasting my suite milk before you lay your head against them, so warm and full as you sleep.

ABDL Phone Sex

I’d love to show my adult baby off, taking you everywhere I go in your adorable outfits, and cute smiling face with that custom Passi or lollypop you love so much that makes you such a good adult baby for mommy. If you’re a bad adult baby though, it won’t be a very good time. My sweet warm titty milk will be replaced with a cold spoon filled with baby food that you’ll be have to eat instead. I’ll strap you up in a highchair until you’ve eaten every last bite. Instead of snuggling with me, you’ll sleep in bed all by yourself. I know there are more of you adult babies out there than you want to admit, so why don’t you give me a call for some ADBL phone sex? It’ll be the best thing you’ll do all day, I promise you! Byee for now, Cassie

Diaper Lover Phone Sex with Riley

I won’t deny that I am a world class humiliatrix. If being shamed into orgasm is your thing, I’m the one to call, and that definitely includes when you’re into the humiliation kind of diaper lover phone sex. I’m not going to tell you that you’re cute and sweet in your diaper. I’m going to tell you that you’re sad and pathetic because wearing a diaper is what gets you off. I’m like a lot of women in that I want a real man to meet my needs, so the only need a loser dude in diapers is going to fill is when I need to lighten the mood and laugh a little. When I say little, I mean like your dick, of course.

Diaper Lover Phone Sex

Some men can wear boxer briefs and look really good. Other men will wear tighty whities and look silly. Then, there’s you. The diaper guy. It looks like you might need more room in your pants, but that has absolutely nothing to do with your dick size. You need that extra room for all the puffy padding that comes in the thickest of extra thick diapers. Some ladies do love a bubble butt on a guy, so you might catch a few eyes, but once they hear that tell-tale crinkle sound that diapers make, diaper lover phone sex is the only thrill you’ll get with a woman like me. I hope you can accept that reality, because as long as you get off on wearing diapers, it’s not going to change.

It’s safe to say the only thing your cock is going to be rubbing up against is the inside of a diaper. If you can handle talking about that reality, then you need to try a round of diaper lover phone sex with me. The number is 1 888 402 8669 and the name is Riley. I’m always up for a good laugh.

ABDL Phone Sex with Trixi

You know you are really just an adult baby inside your all grown-up voting age adult self, don’t you? You know there is an adult baby is in you crying to be fed or have the diaper changed or just be held and cuddled and loved, don’t you? Other people may see a strong powerful buffed macho man or a skinny bespectacled nerd or even just an average everyday fellow, but deep inside you are still a little helpless adult baby, aren’t you? Yes, you are! You sure are! You are just an adult baby who loves being in diapers and you need Trixi to tell you what you are. You need Trixi to act as your mommy and to cuddle you and coo to you and feed you sweet mother’s milk from her milk-engorged maternal breasts. You need to know that Trixi will eagerly change those diapers, whether wet or filled with poop, and she will clean your nether region, put lotion on you, powder you, and then put a fresh diaper on you.

Phone Sex

Guess what, you adult big babies? I have a lot of real life real maternal experience with adult babies that I can bring to an ABDL phone sex session. I love to hear a caller make baby talk and sound weak and helpless and sweet as sugar. I love to hear the delightful sound an ABDL phone sex caller makes when he says just how much he needs his Trixi and loves his Trixi. I love to know that he can acknowledge the big all grown up adult baby that is inside of him and that he loves his Trixi who will cater to him. I love these things because I am a real life nurturer for adult babies and there is no one on this earth who is more open to ABDL phone sex than I am. Call Trixi for hot and satisfying ABDL phone sex now!

Adult Baby Phone Sex with Trixi

I think just about every woman possesses a powerful maternal instinct and nothing brings out the mothering instinct inside me than adult baby phone sex. It is something I absolutely adore because it gives me a chance to combine the libido and the mothering instinct. I love to hear from you adult babies and tell you how much mommy loves you and wants to hold you close and cuddle you and take good care of you. There is something so sweet about adult babies! I love being a part of taking an adult back to his babyhood and knowing that an adult man has a raging hard on while he imagines Trixi holding him like he is just a little baby that needs care gets my pussy wet and warm and makes me touch myself. I love the sense I have of being a real true blue pervert who can take a grown man right back to the helpless and completed beloved beginning of his life!

Adult Baby Phone Sex

You adult babies can call loving mommy Trixi and talk about anything you want to talk about in adult baby phone sex. You can let Trixi be your sweet and loving older woman in your life playing with baby and giving him a rattler or other toy to play with and enjoy himself with you. You adult babies can talk about Trixi rocking your cradle and you google and giggle in that cradle. You can talk about me  holding you at her breast and letting you drink sweet mother’s milk out of Trixi’s nipple. Oh! Doesn’t it feel good to drink milk out of your mom’s nipple! Doesn’t it feel good to taste the milk that nourishes you can gives you life! Awww… and if you sweet adult babies want to talk about me changing your diapers, that’s good as well. It feels so nice to have your crotch and butt cleaned and have me get you all clean and run lotion on your bottom and sprinkle sweet smelling powder in that area and get baby all nice and clean and smelling good! Adult babies: call Trixi and let’s do adult baby phone sex!

Call me at 1 888 402 8669 and ask to talk to Trixi

AB/DL Phone Sex with Avalon

I have had quite a few adult baby diaper love calls over the years, and they are by far one of my favorites. Whether you’re the baby and need mommy to take really good care of you or you want me to put my diaper on and make a great big mess, I’m game. I love it all. I’ve learned from experience that there are many levels and vast differences that people have with ab/dl phone sex fantasies. If there’s something specific you want or a place that you don’t want to go in our adult baby call, please let me know. I want this to be as fun for you as it is for me honey. Feel free to email me ahead of time with any details so we can get right down to the fun when you call. Now back to the fun stuff.

AB/DL Phone SexAre you a dirty boy? Want me to clean you up? I need to take off your pants first and that messy diaper you’re wearing. I want you to grab one of your soft and clean diapers, get your phone, and give me a call baby. No taking off your messy pants or putting the clean diaper on until you call me. I want to do it. I want to talk you through it, my sweet boy. You would be a really good boy if you let me hear you make your mess. Miss Avalon will take care of you, honey. Trust me, I’ll treat you really well. Once you’re nice and clean, I bet you would love to lay your head on my breasts and feel that soft skin against your face. I’ll wrap my arms around you and hold you close as you tease and taste my nipples with your tongue. Call me baby so we can see what kind of fun we can stir up. Are you as excited as I am? I hope so.

Call 1-888-402-8669 and ask for Avalon for AB/DL phone sex


Adult Baby Phone Sex with Sasha

Hi there, adult babies out there. It’s me, Sasha, your mom, and I’m waiting to talk to you for adult baby phone sex. I want to mother you, feed you delicious, healthy, and nutritious foods and also breastfeed you, bottle and burp you, clothe you in cute clothes so we can play dress-up, change your dirty diaper, potty train you, play with along with tickle you, and discipline you if I have to if you start to misbehave. Adult babies and toddlers are their own people with their own personalities who are curious, want to explore, very smart/inquisitive and they want to see how much they can get away with from their parents, caregivers, and guardians. If you continue to disobey me after I have told you many times to stop doing the things that will upset and frustrate me, then I’ll have to straighten you out.

Adult Baby Phone Sex

I’ll either spank your bottom, put you in the corner for a time out, reduce your tv time, or take away all of your toys and if you have been a bad boy. Adult babies like you love to get into trouble by coloring on the walls, tearing up my papers/documents, throwing items through the air, spilling your food on the floor on purpose, talking back to me, or even touching me in inappropriate places on my body or hitting me. I will get very disappointed in you since I know you can be a good boy. During adult baby phone sex, when I’m happy and you can tell that I’m smiling and pleased, then that will make you happy and smile. I love to see you smile and hear you laugh and coo. I bet I’ll really get a reaction out of you by blowing on your belly.

My sweet adult baby boy, your mommy is here and waiting for you to call me so I can give you all of the love, attention, comfort, and affection that you need and crave. Dial 1-888-402-8669 and ask for mama, Sasha.

AB/DL Phone Sex with Victoria

Hi, my name is Victoria and I can’t wait to hear from the ABDL lovers on the line. I love to have AB/DL phone sex and have for some time. When I first got into fetishism I didn’t know much about adult babies and diaper lovers but it wasn’t long before I fell in love with being a Mommy for adult babies and then I found myself curious about diaper lovers. It’s so easy to slip into a loving caregiver mode when I hear your soft voice on the other end of the phone.. You can tell me anything about your adult baby and diaper lover lifestyle. There are so many things that fall into that category and abies can be really different. If I’m caring for you I want to know all about your ABDL needs and what you want to experience. You can tell me all about it.

sissy training phone sex

One of the first things that I learned about adult babies and diaper lover fetishists is that it isn’t about sexual activity for everyone. I try not to assume either way. What I want is for the abies and diaper lovers that call me to have the most fun possible. Please let me know though, so I can be the best caregiver for you. What do you enjoy talking about and doing when you call for AB/DL phone sex? We can do any or all of it when you call. I am experienced with roleplay, age regression, discipline, and a lot of other fetishes that sometimes cross over. I like sissification and medical play too. You can tell me about your dream nursery and we can take a break from the world and play there for the entire phone call if you like. I hope that you call me soon.







AB/DL Phone Sex with Memphis

Look at my big boy! I am so proud of you and I have something new that I want try with you. Now come on and craw; follow me as we walk to the bathroom. This is where I will take off your adult diaper and sit you right up on your big boy potty! I know you’re nervous because it’s new and I promise that it’s going to be ok but if you do go potty like big boy I will give you a cherry lollipop and a sticker afterwards. Don’t you want to be a big boy? Show me how you can be during our AB/DL phone sex session.

AB/DL phone sex

What did you just say? Did I hear you correctly… What do you mean that you want to go in your diaper? You’re already on the potty why don’t you just keep trying honey?! You can do it, I just know you can! Here, let me turn on the water so that maybe the sound of the water becomes soothing and it will help you go! I just don’t understand…Why are you still insisting that you want to go in your diaper? AB/DL phone sex with me makes you want to use your adult diaper oh so badly, doesn’t it? Just so I can see the surprise you left me. *Giggles*

I won’t keep fighting my adult baby on something so silly. So, come over here and let your AB/DL mommy slide this diaper on you quickly so you can just let it all out. I know you’re ready because you’ve been holding it in since I put you on the potty. I guess I need to pick my battles with you so you just let me know when you’re going potty in your diaper so that  I can get ready to change you! I love changing adult baby diapers; using my hand to rub in that baby powder is my favorite part. Call Memphis for AB/DL phone sex.

AIM: XXX_Memphis
Yahoo: MinxMempis

AB/DL phone sex with natasha

AB/DL phone sex

I really love when I get calls for AB/DL phone sex. My favorite thing to do with the little adult babies is dress them up. I get calls from sissy abies all the time and they want to be turned into an adult baby girl. I was taken aback the first time someone asked me to do that, but trust me… I was totally up for the challenge. And I’m ready to do the same thing with you.

First, we need to get you out of those underwear and into a diaper. Just take them off and lie down and lift your legs. I’ll slide that diaper underneath you. You’re going to need some baby powder to keep you fresh, so I’m going to sprinkle that all over your bum and your winkie before I wrap you up in your diaper.

Once that’s done, I want to dress you up as my sweet sissy adult baby. Over your diaper, I am put an adorable ruffled cover. I have the sweetest pink and white polka dot dress. You’re going to look so cute in it. Aren’t you just so excited? I am! You’re going to be so pretty! To top of the outfit, we’re going to put you in socks with lace around them, put cute bows in your hair and get you into the most adorable black patent leather shoes.

After you’re dressed, we’re going to go to the toy store. You’re going to hold my hand and baby talk the whole time. We’re going to get you a tea set and then go to the park and have our very own tea party. Don’t you think that sounds like such a fun time? I can’t wait to talk to you and make you my very own adult baby.

Call 1 888 402 8669 and ask for Natasha for AB/DL phone sex

AIM: coed_natasha
Yahoo: coednatasha

2 girl phone sex with natasha and roni

natasha2girlbtb roni2girlbtb

Hey guys….What’s better then having a fun time with a hot, sexy woman?  Having phone sex with 2 hot sexy woman!  Have you ever thought about having 2 girl phone sex, if not you so should! Roni and I had three amazing 2 girl calls just the other day!!  Let me tell you a little about how much fun it was!!!  I tend to be the more dominate one, but when it comes to us 2 crazy girls getting together, we both can be dominate, or how about you and I take control and make Roni our bitch!! I like that idea better. So, we had this guy whom wanted me to be pleased.  What better way to please a woman then with another woman and a guy.  I remember laying there on the bed.  Roni and I were both naked! So much hotness in one bed! Bobby came in and he had this huge 10 inch cock.  He jumped on the bed with us.  He then demanded Roni to start eating my wet, sweet tasting pussy out while I sucked his huge cock!  I mean, I have never came so hard before! Think about it, a sexy girl eating my pussy, while I have a guy with a huge cock pressing my head down on his cock.  His cock sliding in and out of my mouth and that pussy being demolished by a sexy woman!

Another one of our 2 girl phone sex calls was with an adult baby/diaper lover!  Roni was the babysitter and I was the wife! I placed him in adorable pink bear diapers.  It was Roni’s turn to change that stinky diaper!  Roni and I laughed and giggled at him as he cooed and played with his toys!  We dressed him up in pretty pink shoes, matching tights and a dress and bonnet.  We gave him his bottle and pacifier and he was good to go! We love to have fun, come join us!

Looking for a fun, hot 2 girl phone sex session, give Natasha and Roni a call at 1-888-402-8669

AIM: coed_natasha
Yahoo: coednatasha

AIM: roni_rocksyou
Yahoo: ronirocksu