Do you have a tiny dick? I assume you do and that’s how you ended up here looking up small penis humiliation phone sex. I actually love men with small dicks but probably not in the way you’re hoping for. I love making fun of them. So, if you answered “yes” to the question of whether or not you have a tiny dick, well, I want to talk to you. I want to know everything about you and your little weenie so I can properly make fun of you. The first, and most important, thing I want to know is how small it is. And tell me the truth. Don’t embellish and add an inch. The truth is that the smaller your dick is, the more I’m going to enjoy talking to you. Getting to make fun of someone with a nub where a dick should be is totally enthralling.
What am I going to do with you besides laugh, you ask? Well, let me tell you that if you were in the same room with me, I’d make you watch me fuck a real man with a really big dick. But since we won’t be together, giving you a verbal lashing is the best I can do. Maybe in the process we’ll find out that you’re a sissy. Or maybe we will find out that you like pegging and strap on play since your dick isn’t big enough to be the one to do the fucking. No matter what, I promise you that I’m going to be harsh and give you a hard time about the size of your so-called dick. And I don’t care if it hurts your feelings. Your small dick hurts my feelings. I like big dicks, so there’s nothing else I WOULD do to it.
Call me at 1 888 402 8669 and ask for Abby for small penis humiliation phone sex