Donkey Slong: Hello. How are you?
Trixi: Hi. Wonderful thank you.
Donkey Slong: Does size matter ?
Trixi: Size?
Donkey Slong : Penis. Penis size. Does it matter to you?
Trixi: Ummm well to be honest…. Yes it does.
Donkey Slong: Why ?
Trixi: To a size queen phone sex slut like me a penis is the measure of a man. You know little dick = little man big dick = real man. The more dick he has the more of a man he is.It’s as simple as that.
If you know size matters and can measure up call 1888 402 8669 and ask for size queen phone sex with Trixi
AIM: Talk2Trixi
Yahoo: GILFPhoneSexTrixi