You need a mature woman like me to satisfy your deep, dark desires. I know exactly how to make you cum over and over again. Take that nice younger cock in my mouth and make you squirt. Straddle that hard younger cock and move just right to make you cum again.. There are so many possibilities to MILF phone sex. I like when you call me mommy so I know that I’m controlling you. More possibilities, mommy can bring in my younger girls also. They will call me mommy too. You know how bad you need an older and more mature woman to teach you so many things you didn’t even know you will love. Another possibility, I can teach you the best prostate massage. Just a few slight , little touches is all you will need to squirt when a mans beautiful prostate is treated right.
MILF phone sex gives you the perfect opportunity to learn all I know from my years of experience. I could go on and on about all the fun we can have with MILF phone sex. If you want and need an older woman like me, I will show you so many new things. Another possibility, You can turn it around on me also. Show mommy who the real boss is. Fuck me like the whore mommy I am. Teach me a thing or two about control baby! Throw me down on the bed and make me moan as you thrust that sweet younger cock in all my holes. Treat me like a naughty mommy that I am. That’s right, I’m a total switch. I can dish it out to you and also take it from you. If you want to try some MILF phone sex with me, call me at 1-888-402-8669. Ask for Wanda. Come have the experience you know you want with me.