You might think about sucking cock all day long but not do anything about it. That’s where a coerced bi phone sex call with me is going to come in really handy. I have a way of getting you to do things that you might not be one hundred percent sure about. But by the time I am done with you, you’ll be past ready to get down on your knees to suck a big fat dick. You’ll be begging me to let you suck cock. How much coaxing it takes to get you to suck cock for the first time will determine how long it takes me to give in to letting you suck cock when you start to beg. So that’s something you might want to think about before we get really deep into our coerced bi call. But something tells me it will not take much coaxing.
But there are some of you out there who will fight me tooth and nail during our coerced bi phone sex call. I just know that you will insist that you do not really want to suck cock or get fucked in the ass. You will say that you got caught with gay porn on accident and that’s not what you meant to be watching. You’ll try all kinds of things to deny the fact that you are dying to wrap your hands and mouth around a big fat cock. You might even deny that you want to sit down on it and bounce. But you will not be able to deny that for long once you get on the phone with me, I am sure of it. Are you ready for it? Get on the phone and give me a call now. Dial 1 888 402 8669 and ask to talk to Abby.