There are a lot of you losers out there with tiny dicks who are good for nothing except humiliation phone sex. Try as you might, a dick that’s less than 8 inches is never going to please a woman like me. I know that I personally would never be able to even let you fuck me for a laugh because… well, I’d be laughing way too hard. I know that you like to think that having a dick that’s average is good enough, but it really just never will be. Would I be able to feel an average cock inside me? Yeah, probably. But it’s not like that little bit of friction is going to do anything for me. It actually would just get on my nerves and not only would I be laughing at you, but I’d be verbally assaulting you with my sharp tongue. Think you can take that?
See, you might think that I look like a sweet girl, and you’d be kind of right. I can be very sweet. But not to losers who call me for humiliation phone sex, so don’t get your fucking hopes up, shrimp dick. I am really in the mood to get calls from guys where they tell me all about the experience of being laughed at because of their dick size. If you have ever been in a situation where that’s happened to you, I definitely want to hear all about it. Do you think you can take a verbal lashing from me and still get off? I guess we’ll see, won’t we? Because I know you can’t resist calling me right now. Get your phone right now and call me. You can reach me by dialing 1 888 402 8669 and asking to talk to Princess Abby. I can’t wait to degrade you, loser.