I am all about anything goes phone sex calls. I know it might be hard to believe that a hot piece of barely legal ass can really get into so some taboo and kinky stuff but that is exactly right in my case. I guess it is because I have always been eager to please, especially when I’m naked, horny, and ready to get off with you. Really, you can tell me whatever it is that makes your cock hard. You never have to be nervous, embarrassed, or anything like that with me. I know that these are fantasies and anything goes when we talk about them. And I am the perfect person to explore those thoughts with. I won’t judge you and I won’t run into you at the grocery store or anything.
Your secrets are completely safe with me. It is hard to tell your wife or girlfriend about any role play or fetish that you have been pondering lately. You never know how that will react to you. But you know that with me, I am always going to be on board and we can explore it together. And honestly, don’t you deserve to really be heard and talk about these things that get you going. You probably work so hard and provide for those that need you to and you should be taken care of. I want to get you off so much that you become addicted to me and our time together. I am your safe space for all things sexual and I am fucking proud of that. I want to be your to-go slut as soon as your cock starts stiffening up. I want you to crave my sweet voice in your ear telling you all sorts of naughty things on our anything goes phone sex call. Don’t be shy, call 1 888 402 8669 and ask for Kinky Kelly.