I love when I am in another room and I hear the phone ring. I could be just folding laundry or some boring task and am pleasantly surprised when I hear the phone in my bedroom ringing with a live phone sex call just for me. I grab my phone and slip in between the sheets on my bed and get ready to have a good time. I’ve had phone sex in plenty of places, but my favorite is in my bedroom. I guess that’s why I’m a bedtime bunny. hehe I love playing with my toys and cumming real loud during live phone sex, so hopefully you don’t mind a little bit of a screamer. I talk about anything and am real easy to talk to so you can tell me anything and it will stay just between us. Our little secrets will never be shared, unless you want them to. Then we might have to get another girl for our phone sex call. 2 girl calls are a blast, too! Never skip a beat with two horny girls for live phone sex. And besides they always give me enough time to reach into my “toy box” and decide which one I want to use for that special occasion. I have my bullet vibrator, 8 inch jelly dong, and an even bigger one that doesn’t fit inside me that someone got as a joke gift. I like to slap it on my pussy sometimes. It feels really good. I’m also not ashamed to admit I have a few small anal toys that I can be convinced to use, too.
If you’re looking for some quality live phone sex with an all american sweet heart, give me (Morgan) a call at 1-888-402-8869!