Fantasy Phone Sex


Guys you’re not going to find out more about me by grilling me, asking me trick questions or any other way.  I’ll just make shit up when I know you’re doing that.  You don’t need to know my history, and I only need to know just that much about you to make your fantasy work.  We are blank slates and that’s perfect for some fantasy phone sex.  We set our own expectations and then surpass them.  Or I do anyway, as I’m pretty good at this.  But don’t think you’re going to end up on my doorstep because quite frankly you couldn’t handle it.  And yes, I can be quite the bitch if you want me to….

Call 1-888-40-BUNNY ask for the Fiona your Red Head PHONE SEX GIRLFRIEND

Yahoo ID: phonesexfiona | AIM ID: phonesexfiona